hello everyone. I am Hanifah Salsabila and you can call me Salsa or Hani . I was born in Batam, June 24st 1999. It means that I’m seventeen years old right now.
I have a nice hobby and that is Fotografi,tradisional dance and blogging.but I have not been able to get money from blogging. I have a nice blog that provide information of Fotografi, Tips,experience and many more. You can visit the http://littleusagistory.blogspot.co.id/ to see my articles or this blog
In my house, I live with my parents named Mr. and Mrs. taufiq. I love them very much and I’m actually 2 sister and brother. I have one younger sisters and 1 younge brothers. My second brother is 16 years old named Zaki Mubarrak and now she has been a student of 5 Vocational High School Batam especially for Multimedia. Next to my yonger sister who has been 8 years old named Annisa Nabilah and she is studying at Secondary School (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah).